Monday, May 26, 2008

ToDaY (May 26,2008)

In maths,we had a topten and I got 8 and my buddies got 7 but the topten is just medium easy and I also check the homework that we do.

In English,we do our jigsaw and now Mr.Perico made English and UOI together so i will talk about English together with UOI so,just know we do the jigsaw and I'm in group2 and the members are Me,Nabilla,Cassandra,Natanael and Kennedy and we need to present our work in front of the group and they gave a feedback and the bad points that they tell to me is that I don't know what is the meaning some of the hard word and I also don't explain the sentences that is so hard so I need to improve it.

I think this is what I do for Today so.....................

Friday, May 23, 2008

ToDaY (May 23,2008

Dear Kitty,

Today,In UOI I learned about Medicine again and we make another final paper and we need to photocopy the 1st final paper.
So we decided who do this thing and I write in the final paper,Ari and Rudiment give ideas and write in the draft paper,Alvianto and Ari draw something that is related to the sentencesideas that we write in the final paper.
Just know the visitors went to our class and the visitors said that our class is good and the visitors just ask some of the groups a question but,they don't ask question to my group so were not nervous.

know I want to sleep first so..................
BYE Kitty!!!!!!!............

ToDaY (May 22,2008)

Unit of Inquiry
In UOI,I learned about medicine and medicine is my topic and we're done with the final paper in the A3 paper and we need to practice to present our group work.

Some of my group went to group 2,3,4 and 5.

If me,I present to group 5 and the topic for group 5 is Other Uses.

This is what I do for today so.......

ToDaY (May 22,2008)

In math,I learned about length,centimeters,meters,gram,kilogram and mass.

Mr.Perico told us to solve the problem that Mr.Perico gave to us.

Me and Abigail find hard to solve,so Mr.Perico gave the answer and the solution.

We get 0 because we don't get the answer.

This is what I so todaay so..............


Task:Writing a narrative with writing buddy.
In English,we complete our work buddy's and we need to make another story,but,it supposed to have complication,Orientation,Series of events,resolution/coda and re-orientation.

My topic is about..........
"Anastasia,willy and Ms.Eleanor"

I think this is about what I did for today so.................


Unit of Inquiry
Task:Group research on "rainforest of the world"
In UOI,we had a group work about our expert topic and my topic is about climate and temperature.

we finalized the article that Mr.Perico gave to us and we need to highlight it too.

If we don't highlight it,we don't know which one should we summarize but,if we highlight it we will know which one should we summarize.

This is the thing that I do today so............

ToDaY (May 12,2008)

UOI reflection
In UOI,we do our research on our topic and my topic is Australian rainforest and I need to research the climate and temperature.

Aome oif my group members research about animals,plants,facts/introduction/information and threats.

I find hard to take the information of climate and temperature.

I don't print some notes from the internet even.

This is what I do for UOI so.......
