Monday, January 28, 2008

WhAt I dO oN tHuRsDay

Today we learn UOI again and we got more jokes from our teacher Mr.Perico cool and cute.We think our own department like dept.of religion and it was the things that i remember and we make our reflection about our things that we learned today and we have to add detail and more sentences than our reflection before.Mr.Perico could not be here at school because he supposed to do his job for the seminar in novotel together with the all teachers that in school.We don't get more jokes from Mr.Perico and Mr.Perico would not be here at school i think he will come back to school on Wednesday and we will see Mr.Perico at school on Wednesday.Know we going to the next UOI but i think we have to do our work first until we finish our unit of government and we will study the next Unit Of Inquirer.Today we do more things and we got more ideas than before and we always do our homework because our class is discipline class and the are never noisy but only in Bahasa Indonesia we are very noisy than 4b.

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