Monday, January 28, 2008

WhAt I dO oN wEdNeSdAy

Today we do UOI with our favourite teacher name Mr.Perico cool and cute.Today in our UOI is about the System created by government (Government offices) and we make it be our homework.There are many department/ministries like:

1.Dept. of Health
2.Dept. of transportation
3.Defense dept.
4.Dept.of education and sports
5.Dept. of finance
6.Dept.of trade and industry
7.Dept.of agriculture
8.Dept.of environment
9.Dept.of labour and enjoyable
10.Dept. of justice
11.Dept. of communication and media

And there are many role and function and those of them are from my classmates idea and Mr.Perico idea and there are no time for us to do it so we make it as our homework so there are our own idea and not our classmate idea so we get our own idea..............................write your very perfect idea or comment..............................................see you.............

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