Monday, April 21, 2008

ToDaY (April 21,2008)

Today,I maths I learned about symmetry and this is our new topic in maths.we still need to do some exercise so we can analyze some of the work in symmetry.

In UOI I learned about the changes in all of the country's and we also learned some natural disaster and I got new disaster and the name is Dought I think the name is correct.tomorrow we need to check our money and play again the games and that is 'Who wants to be a millionare'and we also need to total our money.

In English we redo/check our work on 'Shorelines' and I redo my work because my grammar is wrong so I redo my work.But,some of my friends just check her.his work and some of us redo our work and the title should be still the same.

I think this is my idea on what I do today....So I think I gotta go.....

SO BYE - BYE!!!!!!!!!!!...

ToDaY (April12,2008)

Today,In Maths I learned about straight lines and we also had an assessment and the assessment is that we should color the right angle and write if there are 0,1,2,3,4 right angles in the box.

In UOI,I learned about changing shores and we continued our group work about the changing shores that we learned on the causes and effect,We gave him/her the 2 star in a wish.So,they can improve they're work.

In English,We continued our work on our explanation text about cloning and Actually,Hurricanes names come in alphabetical order.

This is only ideas that I had on 12 April in my learning so I want to tell better do you homework or else you may got a consequence like and some of my friends because of not doing the homework.......

I hope some of you are doing your blogger...

SO BYE-BYE.......!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

ToDaY (April 9,2008)

Today,me and my friends went fieldtrip to kampung melayu beach and Mr.Perico told us to draw the shorelines there.
I also draw some picture or we can photo those picture in the beach.
In there Bu Sulastri is telling us the changes there because the people is not available.
In there I also draw the beach and the house that have and some of them toke a picture of a beach.
In Math I learned about angles again and there are exercise to work on.
The total of the score is maybe 38 and I got 38but some of them got lower score and some of them got higher score.
I wonder why our paper of the angle work is not been check and we don't get our paper at all.
We also check our homework in math and if some of them don't do the homework/Incomplete/not perfect those people need to stay in the classroom to make it complete and perfect.
In UOI we also need to complete our article by making question anything and it needs to be about cloning/clone.
If we not done with our cloning article/work we can do it tomorrow in the morning....

We also have homework and the homework is Blogger and of course reading..........

I think this is my ideas in what I do today!!!!!!!...........

ToDaY (April 7,2008)

Today,In UOI I learned about changing shores and we try to finish our group work research.If we don't make our research on the holiday,we can make it today and submit it tomorrow.
Just know we also present the work of our group to the whole class.

In math,we learned about angle and we make some of the angle work,we also check the thinking question and the parallel and perpendicular lines.

In English,we need to complete our story board in 20 minutes.We need to go to the computer room to research our topic in changes.

If me,I research about human and I borrowed some books to research our topic.
we also do some of our topic and take notes.

we also have homework and the homework is in Bahasa Indonesia,UOI,Blogger and of course reading.

I think this is my idea in what I do today Bye bye.!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

ToDaY (April 3,2008)

Today,In UOI we learned about the 'Changing Earth' and we make some groups and we need to write the causes and the effects from the changing earth booklet and we just need to continue it tomorrow I think.I want to tell my group members in my group and that is Hendro, Kennedy, Cassandra and me and we also have a pre-assessment in UOI and I got 16 only.I think some of you got 20 or whatever score that are higher than me.

In English Mr.Perico told us to finished the book about 'The Stone Fox'and the story was just so sad and the story is that searchlight was dead because willy wants to win in the dog race and if dog run faster they don't have any oxygen to come out so the heart maybe was crashed and so searchlight was died and don't tell anybody that just know when we are reading Mr.Perico was eating J.CO donuts and it was just so cheating.

In maths we have a topten and we also have a homework in the maths booklet and I in topten I got 9 and Mr.Perico told use that we can use calculator in topten and some of the maths problem are using MDAS and it means multiplication division addition and subtraction.Do you want to know the homework in maths?the homework in maths is about perpendicular and parallel and I can do my homework by myself and if was just so nice and good for my learning in maths.

Just know in the morning we read another book and the title is 'Bertha's secret battle'and one the first time I be Fiona and the second one all the girl be Helen and the story was just nice and Mr.Perico told to me that when I was reading the book I was reading with full of expresion