Monday, March 31, 2008

ToDaY (March 31,2008)

Today,In maths I learned about angle and I think it was just nice and good for me.In maths I also learned how to make some angle inside a circle that we make and i think I love to make that..

In English I watch DVD with my friends and it's about the time machine the second version and the second version of the time machine is not the same as the first version and tomorrow we are going to watch again the second version because yesterday we don't have any time to watch all so we will continue the time machine tomorrow...

IN UOI I also learned that we have an explanation about the changing earth and I just got 2 points but I will make my score will be more higher than 2.I think some of will get higher score than me...

I think this is the only one that I want to say to you so I want to say GOOD BYE....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

ToDaY (March 19 2008)

Dear Kitty,

Today in UOI we have an Assessment in the chemical and physical change and I got 14 in the assessment....
and Mr.Perico tell us to have UOI first then we have English at last...But it was just fun to have UOI first than English .......
we also leatn about 'Chemical changes and Physical changes' I hope U learn what Mr.Perico told U...

Monday, March 17, 2008

ToDaY (March 16,2008)

Today in English I Have a homework to discuss with our friends family or other people that we know.....and we also study some word like facade and facade means the front of the word and we need to pronouns it like fasad and we know that word because Mr.Perico told us that word already....

In UOI we went to the laboratorium to show the changes that is chemical changes or physical changes and it was nice and we also saw that Mr.Perico burn some with paper but actually Vincent take the clean paper not the scrap paper.....

I think this is the experience that I need to share to you guys because I need to sleep because tomorrow I have a ballet lesson so bye...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

ToDaY (March 13 2008)

Today I go to school early and tomorrow is my best day ever because tomorrow is PTC (Parents Teachers Conference)and tomorrow I was the first guys who will have the PTC........Ithink the PTC will be great and nice.......and I also think maybe my mum and dad will like my score because the I got all high score and I was just happy today..........
Just know I just fight with my brother because he always mad at me so I mad at him......He even always mad at me if I don't do wrong.....

In mandarin class I l;earn a new title in mandarin an the title is black cat I think because I forgot the title in mandarin......
In lunch I just was so happy because I don't play anything but even better that I don't play anything because if I play hop-scotch there are many students will play....

At lunch when it was time to read Fantastic Mr.Fox I saw Vincent an Mr.,Perico are eating together in the classroom and I just do my mandarin homework...It was just fun that I was reading together with my cool and cute teacher and all my gorgeous friends.......

And the chapter that we end know is maybe chapter 16 or chapter 15 or whatever chapter....Mr.Perico just know just tell us to recognize our thing for tomorrow...

So see you tomorrow guys Bye Bye....

Monday, March 10, 2008

ToDaY (March 10 2008)

Today I need to complete our unit of "Our Province" and tomorrow we will start our unit in "Our Community" and just know at UOI time me and my friends are helping Mr.Perico to keep the things that it was about "Our Province"...Just know I also putting some pins that Mr.Perico use for putting those map and all of the things that we need to put in the board.(Soft Board)Know I am updating m,y blogger.........

In maths we are checking those homework that Mr.Perico gave to use and my work is perfect and I got it all correct and when I total those score the score is 57 and it was just fine and some of my groups like Irene she got the total of her score is 63 and it was so many.......She got 63 because she add the score is 25 plus 16 and also plus 12........and for me the total is 53 and maybe she add those number is wrong and not concentrating with her number........

In the club I saw Ms.Eden with her child and her child is so cute and he is so chubby and also his name is Raihan..I thought Ms.Eden coming by herself and don't bring her child but when I saw Ms.Eden I saw her baby/child too....

I think this is my happy day ever because I can help others and I also can see my old teacher and she is teaching me at grade 3 and I want her to teach me again.........
So Bye Bye I need to take a Bath......Bye Bye..

Monday, March 3, 2008

ToDaY (March3 2008)

Today I go to school and Mr.Perico told us to edit our blogger and it was just fun editing those bloggers and do you know Mr.Perico also told us to edit those blog in Microsoft work and we also need to save in the sgiaserver too......
Do you edit your blogger guys if you edit your blogger I also edit my blogger but I want too tell you something do you like to update your own blogger?If me I like to update my blogger but sometimes I don't do my blogger because I don't have any time to update my blogger............and I think you like to follow Mr.Perico schedule like;

Monday (online)

Tuesday(not online)


Thursday(not online)


Saturday (not online)

Sunday (online)

I hope you follow those schedule from Mr.Perico but sometime I do on monday, Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday but it was just only sometimes and if at night I don't have any time I can wake up early and update my blogger.............and I think you guys will always do it at night and not do it earlier like me.........I think I just need to talk a bit because I want to watch T.V...........Bye....Oh I just forgot something do want to play adventure games in in this website it was just easy to make the username and the password.........Bye.....

Sunday, March 2, 2008

FrIdAy(February 29 2008)

On Friday Miss Erika made some group and the group is like;

1st group is guided reading with miss Erika.
2nd group is reading with our partner.
3rd group will be reading investigations.
4th group is writing to persuade (Writing)
5th group will be math
6th group will be UOI.

It was just fun having a group work and it was also fun when the visitors are coming because they say some question and the question is can you do on this math?and I say yes because budiman help me doing the math’s group and it was just the hardest math in my learning.There was a homework and the homework was we need to complete our booklet in our 4th learning math.

On friday Mr.Perico was busy with his work so Ms.Erika helped him to do some group work....and when we do our booklet in math some of the visitors are coming to see us and they was just photo some of our work in our class and the also like to ask questions to us and the questions are not to hard it was just easy question to answer.........

Do you know it was the happiest day I ever had because I like visitors coming to my class...........

Saturday, March 1, 2008

ToDaY (March 2 2008)

Today I was so happy because I can go to my church with my family but I was so tired and i want to sleep but I also need to do my blogger so I try not to sleep and in the car I was so sleepy so I sleep and when I got home I was going to open my computer and do the blogger and I was fun and I hope you also doing your blogger and later I want to go to the church again later at night and it was fun to go to the church and I hope for the Christian they also go to the church just now in the morning and just know in the morning I also go to the church and it was just fun going to the church...........I wish you also have fun going to the church.......I think I just want to say this thing because I want to watch TV and that is idola cilik and the film is like a little boy/girl want to sing in front of her/his parents and her/his friends and thank you for reading my blogger.........Bye Bye.......