Sunday, March 2, 2008

FrIdAy(February 29 2008)

On Friday Miss Erika made some group and the group is like;

1st group is guided reading with miss Erika.
2nd group is reading with our partner.
3rd group will be reading investigations.
4th group is writing to persuade (Writing)
5th group will be math
6th group will be UOI.

It was just fun having a group work and it was also fun when the visitors are coming because they say some question and the question is can you do on this math?and I say yes because budiman help me doing the math’s group and it was just the hardest math in my learning.There was a homework and the homework was we need to complete our booklet in our 4th learning math.

On friday Mr.Perico was busy with his work so Ms.Erika helped him to do some group work....and when we do our booklet in math some of the visitors are coming to see us and they was just photo some of our work in our class and the also like to ask questions to us and the questions are not to hard it was just easy question to answer.........

Do you know it was the happiest day I ever had because I like visitors coming to my class...........

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