Monday, March 3, 2008

ToDaY (March3 2008)

Today I go to school and Mr.Perico told us to edit our blogger and it was just fun editing those bloggers and do you know Mr.Perico also told us to edit those blog in Microsoft work and we also need to save in the sgiaserver too......
Do you edit your blogger guys if you edit your blogger I also edit my blogger but I want too tell you something do you like to update your own blogger?If me I like to update my blogger but sometimes I don't do my blogger because I don't have any time to update my blogger............and I think you like to follow Mr.Perico schedule like;

Monday (online)

Tuesday(not online)


Thursday(not online)


Saturday (not online)

Sunday (online)

I hope you follow those schedule from Mr.Perico but sometime I do on monday, Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday but it was just only sometimes and if at night I don't have any time I can wake up early and update my blogger.............and I think you guys will always do it at night and not do it earlier like me.........I think I just need to talk a bit because I want to watch T.V...........Bye....Oh I just forgot something do want to play adventure games in in this website it was just easy to make the username and the password.........Bye.....

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